The Lauziere's

The Lauziere's
Our family!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Road trip

To start off Cayden isn't feeling well today.  Low grade fever, cough, and no voice; just a cold, I hope!  Taytum is wonderful, sitting in a wagon made for blocks playing with toys she can reach while still sitting in the wagon, it's too funny! (Please don't mind her dirty socks, wow am I a thorough cleaner!)

About the road trip...we are going to Boston on Saturday with John and his hockey team.  They are playing UMASSBOSTON @ 3pm, it's the 1st round of the playoffs.  This will be the 1st away game we have ever been to, and not only that, I think we are going to go down on the bus with them?? Am I crazy?

Yes, yes I am!........

But the girls really want us to go with them to Boston.  I hope they know that their quiet bus ride down to Boston will be filled with the giggles, pitter-patter of little feet, and lots and lots of TEARS!! (Hopefully none of the tears are mine)

I will let you know how the trip went on Sunday.  Go USM HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chocolate macaroons

I love playdates, why you ask... because I love talking to other Mom's about EVERYTHING! From birth to boobs, death, "herms" (if you were there you know what I mean, I love Chrissy), husbands, you name it, and we can talk about it!!!  It refreshing to know that others are going through, or have gone through, things that you are experiencing now.  Ohhhhh...

And the children just run around and play with the other kids, or by themselves. They get tired and fall asleep on the way home, and ask "When are we going back to Amanda's house again?" (Cayden loves her horses, we went to the barn and saw them before we left.  She is not scared at all, and patted all the ones that came to the fence to see us!  I think lessons are in her near future, I hope I get a discount because I know the owner, lol!)

So I am hoping for another "playdate" soon, or a Mom's dinner night out!  Just to talk, catch up, and maybe have a drink or two!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Face issues

Bare Minerals, have you heard of it?  Well I finally did something for myself, and ordered a starter kit, and the jury is in, I really like it! 

I have rosacea, after having the girls, my skin in NOT the same as it used to be.  And so January of 2008 I went to the dermatologist, and low and behold I have rosacea, and I HATE IT SOOOO MUCH! It went away when I was prego with Taytum (I love my skin when I am pregnant) but it is back again.  There is no cure, but they can try some antibiotics, if I wasn't nursing, but there is no guarantee??? And do I want to be on antibiotics for the rest of my life??????  So instead I heard about Bare Minerals... if I can't get rid of it, I will cover it up!  And like I was saying, I really like it!

If you are looking for some quality make-up, check it out!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Best Friends Forever

Cayden tells me I'm not her friend at least once a day, what does that mean?  Was I her friend to begin with?  I'm pretty sure I'm her Mom?!  I love 3 year olds!

And as I am writing this, I am thinking ahead ,oh I don't know 11 years, and if she think we're not friends now....WOW I can't wait until then!  Or can I????

 But then again before we go to sleep every night we say...
Me -  "I love you with ALL of my heart, and ALL of my...."  Cayden-"soul"  

Together- "Best friends forever!"  

Me- "You'll always be my 1st, and Taytum will always be my last (?)"  

Cayden- "I know Mama!"

Cute huh!!

Off to play birthday for Dada, AGAIN! 

(His birthday is the 18th, big mistake telling Cayden about his birthday a week before!)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dr. Shawna

I have been up for 2 days now! Taytum is so sick with a runny nose, eyes, mouth, you name it...and a double ear infection too! So "sleeping" while sitting up in bed, or on the couch really isn't sleeping. I am so tired, I can't even sleep. I tried to nap today when Taytum did, nothing! And she slept for maybe 20 minutes...

Sick babies are so hard. You feel so bad for them because they have NO idea why they can't breath, why their ears hurt, and why you as their Mom, their whole world, would wan to put them down! :(

.......I think today she is feeling better.........tonight will be the true test.

And I am snapping on John and both girls about everything, even though I don't really mean it. At least not on the girls!!

{So I took Taytum to Mercy Gorham Urgent Care,(gut feeling something was wrong with my baby girl) and the Dr. was a whack-job. She was so weird, and asked me this, "So the left ear is border-line, and the right I can't see anything because there is too much wax, sooooooooooooo do you want us to treat her with antibiotics??" UM YES?? says Dr Shawna???? lol
But it was great having the ER like 3 minutes up the road!}

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Listen to your gut

Yesterday Cayden had her weekly dance class. It is a ballet class for 3 year olds with the most wonderful teacher ever.  She loves Mrs. Betsy, all of her friends, and dance too...

Let's bring it back to yesterday morning,  she woke up with a little cough, and congested, but no fever.  She laid on the couch for most of the day, she looked really tired??  So when it came time to get ready for ballet I asked her if she wanted to go, and she said "YES!"  And all day I kept asking her, "Are you sick, does your throat hurt, etc."  And she responded all day with "NO, I"M NOT SICK MAMA"

My gut feeling was she should stay home, but I let her go anyway!  (Sucker is tattooed on my forehead)

And did i mention it was watch week yesterday?  Parents get to watch every the first class of every other month.

Do I really have to tell you how it went?????? HORRIBLE!!! 

John met us there, and Cayden was having a blast running around with her friends so I thought, OK this should be great, why was I worried about bringing her???
We get into the dance room, and she wouldn't get off John's lap.  So he decided it might be "him" so he left.  So I then I had Taytum running around, and Cayden pouting, and wanting to sit with me.  I told her if you don't dance we are going home and going to bed.  She said she wanted to go home, so I walked her out when all the little girls were having a water break, grabbed Taytum who was following us with Cayden's water bottle and we headed home!

John met us at the door, and help me get the girls to the Jeep.  Cayden was screaming at this point, "I want to dance now" she wouldn't let John buckle her in.  Both of us had to hold her down to buckle her in, while she was spitting and crying.  ( God I love these days)  John went back to the rink to "do a few things"  (whatever?)  and I went home with Taytum (angel baby), and Cayden (OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I BIRTHED THIS THING WHO IS SPITTING AND YELLING MEAN THINGS IN THE BACKSEAT).

                                                *this was in December, not from yesterday*

She was telling me she hated me, I was a stinker, screaming, spitting, yelling, gosh you name it.  Since when does a 3 year old say "I hate you Mama"!! My heart was so sad, but I was so mad that she was throwing a fit like this my brain took over!

We got home 3 minutes after we got into the Jeep. Thank God we live close!  I took off her dancewear, and her tu-tu that was soaked with spit, and put her in comfy clothes.  Off to bed she went with her blankie, and sippy.  I shut the door, and she LOST it.... kicking her door, spitting, yelling, screaming!!  I let her scream for 5 minutes, went into her room, marched her to our bedroom turned on the TV, and within 5 minutes she was out!  She needed a nap really bad, obviously!
And what's worse, she woke up at 5:30pm like nothing had happened, "I love you Mama, I missed you"!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  This motherhood thing is soooooo hard.

So in conclusion Mom's, go with your gut feeling.  If you feel that feeling of maybe we shouldn't, listen to your inner self.  That instinct is there for a reason, learn from my mistake, listen to your gut, because from now on I will!!  So I say????!!!!