Why do we as people who live in neighborhoods have to have perfect grass, flowers blooming, shrubs and plants planted any and everywhere???
Well let me tell you, the Lauziere's are last to do everything on Captain's Way! We still haven't vinyl sided our garage yet, and it's been 2 years, hahahaha! BUT we just got the siding and John is doing it SOON!!
Our grass looks,ok? From far away it looks good, but when you get up close it's got more bald spots then my dear husband! (love you John) So every year we throw some fertilizer down, and for some odd reason it ends up looking really good, but it's a total trick!
We finally just dug up our front to plant some shrubs, and flowers! We have been here for almost 3 years and we STILL didn't plant anything out in front of our house, whatever! Listen we have to build a brick wall because if we don't our plants will end up on our driveway when it rains, so that's our excuse! BUT I'm working on it! Leave me alone!
At least our driveway is paved!
All I can say is I wish we had enough money,(It's going to be like $150 for a stupid rock wall, that's w/o plants) or family/friends to give us plants like our lovely neighbors. I would spend hours out there planting! Their houses really do look great, and within the next 2-3 years ours will be there too. Slow and steady wins the race right???
And BTW why the hell are plants SOOOOOOOOO expensive???
omg--Russ and I need to move to Captain's Way so you won't feel so alone. We pulled our shrubs up like 4 years ago and JUST put new ones in--and Russ went and did it all--and spent like $600 on the shrubs?!?!?!!? WTF?!!? And you do not want to ask us about our grass. Or lack there of!
I kind of wish I lived in an apt. still!
HAHAHAHA...omg, we're totally the landscaping rebels in the neighborhood too. We've lived here for 5.5 years. Our driveway is still not paved. We have two dinky shrubs in the front...that's it, and our lawn is nothing but weeds with tons of bald spots. Hey...at least the weeds are green, right??? We just mow them like they're grass. We'd put lawn crap on it, but they all have some weed killer in it. Ummm...hello, without our weeds, we'd have just sand! lol...ah well...can't have everything!
Yes Amy move to Captains Way please...if anything opens up I will let you know!! They are building a subdivision across the street from us soon, I think!! And $600 Russ is too funny!
Jenn we have clovers all over our lawn, which are considered weeds pointed out by one of our neighbors,lol! Oh well! You can't win them all!
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