The Lauziere's

The Lauziere's
Our family!

Friday, January 14, 2011

40 days

School starts on Monday for me.  I had a MMC orientation this past Monday, can you say so much info at once my brain actually hurt...not a headache, but my brain hurt trying to retain all that knowledge given to me in 6 hours!  And now as I sit here typing, I am trying to remember some key points, and for the life of me BLANK?
I'm pretty sure if there is a fire, I will be able to call out CODE RED for everyone to hear!  Just to let you all know.

Now on to the real issue with me going back to school, I think that I am going to miss my kids, WHAT?  I know, right?  I will miss Cayden though, she is my favorite right now. Whatever don't judge me, I'm sure Taytum will be my favorite at one point too...  Cayden is just my little Angel, who listens to me and is constantly helping me clean the house.  How could you not LOVE her.  And Taytum, let's just say that she is a terrible 2, and I'm pretty sure she will be a horrible 3 as well.  God knows I  LOVE her, but we are not "friends" right now!  She likes me when it's convenient for her, and is mean to me the rest of the time.  I don't remember Cayden acting this way, but maybe she did?  I KNOW she wasn't this bad though!

So I will miss my kids on Monday, but I think this will be great for them being with their Dad more, and having a babysitter for part of the day.  As John says "It's 40 days of hell, for the both of us" I couldn't agree more with his statement! LOL  But in the end this will all pay off, literally!

I will post when I can.

And BTW... Cayden, as I was blogging, was rubbing my shoulders telling me how much she loves me! awhhh I heart her!  And now Taytum is yelling from upstairs "I'm up, come get me!"  awhh I heart her too??? hehehe