The Lauziere's

The Lauziere's
Our family!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Taytum has another ear infection. Last Sunday we took her into the Dr.'s office because she had conjunctivitis, and all week she had gross eyes, and the start of a cold.  On Friday I knew something was up, the constant whining (more then usual) was horrible.  But I waited, and I shouldn't have because on Saturday I called got her in and sure enough...ear infection!

BUT...  This infection has been BAD! She had a fever on Sunday all day of anywhere from 102.3 up to 104. I HATE fevers, they scare me, but Dr.'s aren't that afraid??  I called the Dr's office on Sunday morning, talked to someone (a nurse I think) and she told me "Well as long as she is wetting diapers, she dshould be fine, like at least 8 a day"   UM I don't change Taytum 8x's a day I told her.  Do you know how many Pampers we would have to buy??? Hello!! 

So all day I changed her every time she peed, and she was fine, but spiking fevers!  Scare me!

Today (monday) has been great, better, okay!  She is still getting fevers, milder but still fevers!  She is just not herself, not my little "Taymum"!

I can't wait until she is back to normal, only fussing most of the day not all day! (sigh)

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